Since I can't post comments on your blog yet, D, I will sympathsize with you on here. You have exactly what I've been dealing with that the doctor told me was a virus and just had to run it's lingers, and it makes you miserable (or it did for me) and I'm very sorry to hear you are sick. Get well vibes being sent your way. Oh, and stealing the Harry Potter tests from you too ;o) | The Hogwarts Sorting Hat! 
You scored as Gryffindor. You have been sorted into Gryffindor! You're brave, loyal, and perhaps a little short tempered- if someone says or does something you don't like, you'll make sure they know- and everyone else too- regardless of the consequences.
Gryffindor - 90% Hufflepuff - 70% Ravenclaw - 40% Slytherin - 35% |
You scored as Fred and George Weasley. If you went to Hogwarts you would be doing the Weasley Twins. Oooo damn! You are freaky! You are a hell of a women to take on the Weasley twins. Double time!Go head girl, go head get down!
Fred and George Weasley | | 80% |
Cedric Diggory | | 75% |
Victor Krum | | 75% |
Ron Weasley | | 70% |
Harry Potter | | 65% |
Draco Malfoy | | 45% |
Percy Weasley | | 20% |
No one, your a prude | | 20% |
(I agree with D, only cause Sev wasn't on there)
| Harry Potter Character Combatibility Test You scored as Albus Dumbledore. You are very wise, observant, and analyctical. You have a very "well-organized" mind, which makes you function in a calm and fair manner. Though you get angered easily, its rare of you to ever act our of temper. You are constantly seeing the good in people and are naturally forgiving because of it. You're easy to please and a great person to learn from.
Remus Lupin | | 72% | Albus Dumbledore | | 72% | Bellatrix Lestrange | | 69% | Harry Potter | | 56% | Sirius Black | | 56% | Neville Longbottom | | 53% | Hermione Granger | | 50% | Ron Weasley | | 44% | Luna Lovegood | | 41% | Severus Snape | | 38% | Lord Voldemort | | 34% | Oliver Wood | | 28% | Draco Malfoy | | 25% | Percy Weasley | | 22% |
L's Book Meme
1. Grab the nearest book.(It's actually Harry Potter Year One, because that's what I'm reading atm)2. Open the book to page 123.(The sorting Hat)3. Find the fifth sentence.(Hmm...Okay, said by Dumbledore)4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.("And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!")5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.(That just so happens to be one of my favorite lines in the first book, hehe :oD)
Stolen From D
Thanks D:My Hobbit Name is Rosie-Posie Boffin of Needlehole. Whoa.Roger's is Wilcomb Bracegirdle of Hardbottle.My Elven Name is Lúthien Calafalas.Roger's is Ecthelion Súrion.Full Wizard Fineto! You scored 80%! | Wow! Impressive. "We can expect great things from you." You must have read the books several times or are just really good at remembering which spell does what. I myself didn't know all the spells until I started writing this test. haha... In any case, if you wanna talk "Harry Potter" with someone, message me. I love meeting other Harry Potter enthusiasts! |
| Harry Potter Spells Test" The good fuck" You are 72 fuckable! | You're about as fuckable as most people, which is not bad. Actually, it's quite healthy! You know how to act and what's appropriate. You know when it's the time and place for what. And people can use that to see you erotically. It's no surprise that you can attract a good number of people. You're what they want! A realistic babe who knows when to get a bit wild! Yeah, I'd fuck you! | | How Fuckable Are You?
Sick again...::frowns:: I cried for like 30 mins yesterday because I feel so horrid and tired of being sick and cramping up because aunt flo started her visit as well. Then Roger had to replace his altinator and cost us $120...what a way to start off the new year.I hope everyone else is doing better, well wishes sent to you.
Five Months
--Today makes five months with my lovable hunk of a man. I'm so excited, it's been so long and we're still going strong. ::gushes lovingly::Again, hitching the band wagon:
Happy New Year, 2006
If anyone can believe that it is actually 2006 already, pinch me...geeze 2005 zipped by. A lot happened that year. I broke my foot, I lost a friend, then gained a friend, then I gained a friend then lost a friend, found out some marriages of friends are failing/divorcing, became an "auntie" to two friend's babies, met Roger, fell in love, moved in, moved in my kitty, picked out a baby kitty together (yes Ginger is getting big and scrawny, hehe), went back to work, started my bachelor's for early childhood ed., did my first internship with second graders and thoroughly enjoyed it, was in a car wreck that totalled my mom's car, learned to knit (kind-of), met Roger's Grandparents and some family at Christmas, and so much more. That's just the highlights. The new year's party was fun. Saw Scott with his wife and two kids, and some other friends. We got drunk, toasted to the new year, blew off some non-firework-poppers (since there's a fire ban in Oklahoma with a $2000 fine if caught), and played some cards. I do believe this is the happiest I've ever been in my life, so what's going to happen? ::frowns::Anywho, Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you all had fun.