Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year, 2006

If anyone can believe that it is actually 2006 already, pinch me...geeze 2005 zipped by. A lot happened that year. I broke my foot, I lost a friend, then gained a friend, then I gained a friend then lost a friend, found out some marriages of friends are failing/divorcing, became an "auntie" to two friend's babies, met Roger, fell in love, moved in, moved in my kitty, picked out a baby kitty together (yes Ginger is getting big and scrawny, hehe), went back to work, started my bachelor's for early childhood ed., did my first internship with second graders and thoroughly enjoyed it, was in a car wreck that totalled my mom's car, learned to knit (kind-of), met Roger's Grandparents and some family at Christmas, and so much more. That's just the highlights. The new year's party was fun. Saw Scott with his wife and two kids, and some other friends. We got drunk, toasted to the new year, blew off some non-firework-poppers (since there's a fire ban in Oklahoma with a $2000 fine if caught), and played some cards.

I do believe this is the happiest I've ever been in my life, so what's going to happen? ::frowns::

Anywho, Happy New Year to everyone! Hope you all had fun.


Blogger Amanda said...

Wow, You're really pretty. And Thank you, I hope you have an excellent New Year as well. ::smiles warmly::

11:33 PM  
Blogger Rumpled One said...

-snugs- Happy New Year Mandy!

Sorry I missed you this morning. I've been absolutely crazy busy. With having both families in town it has gone from not having to entertain anyone in Florida to entertaining twice the people.

Your kitties are adorable, remind me to get some pictures up of my two little angels. I love my man, getting me a kitten. Who would have thought with him being so allergic?

I'll try to catch up with you later, going to be even busier week coming up. Your always in my thoughts. Give the family a big hug for me and tell Roger I said hi!

6:04 AM  
Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...

Speaking of Oklahoma -- how are you faring with the fires?

Happy new year to you!

5:09 PM  

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