Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Happy (belated) Halloween

The reason this post is belated, is because I was in Kansas the week of Halloween, and we had our family Halloween party this last Saturday. I have pics to show off. I hope everyone had a good one.

First off, THIS is a link to pictures from Stacey's Halloween party. Just the 2006 pictures, of course.

Roger and I carved this pumpkin together. (sorry the pics are kind-of blurry, I didn't take them)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(With flash)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
(Without flash) The other lit pumpkin is Stacey's.

Then here are some links to pictures taken at the family party (there are quite a few):
Hard at Work on Roger's and my pumpkin.
With flash:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Without flash:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
My dad's pumpkin.
My sister's pumpkin.
This is my dad, my sister, and my pumpkins all together, with flash.
This is all three without flash.
Marcus' pumpkin. The eyeball opened, and red gooey stuff would come out.
These are costumes that I sewed, and my aunt did the pattern work for.
This is my mom's costume, overall. She looked so sessy!
Even the cats were having fun!


Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...

Do you realize that the layout of your page has changed and that the white box no longer encompasses all your text? So basically I'm trying to read lavender font on pink background. Oy! Trying to read post, having hard time. Help? *bats eyes*

8:00 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Okay, Love, is that better, or worse? I've been wanting to change it to black for sometime now, anyways, and I personally like the purple on black. However, I would like your opinion.

The other way looked fine to me, but E said something similar. What size monitor do you have? Just for questions sake.

1:26 AM  
Blogger Dawn Allenbach said...

Thing is -- I haven't changed monitors (I use my Gateway laptop) since August, so I don't think was a monitor problem.

That's much better, and the black really lets the pumpkins pop.


11:15 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Actually, I noticed that as well, hehehe.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

We used a pattern book, I'm actually working on it in that one picture. You can see the dots poked in the pumpkin, you just cut along the dotted lines.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Rumpled One said...

It was so nice having you down here that weekend. I only wish you were coming on the trip with me. :( I can't help it they didn't have the right kind of film at the store. I did as best as I could. :(

I do like the new black and lavender motif going on. Verra nice.

11:39 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I wasn't blaming 'you' for the blurry pictures, I was just apologizing for the blurriness, hun. I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings. ::hugs::

I was really happy to spend some time with you, and I wish I was going too...but I don't want to take my 'bad juju' on a long distance trip with most of your family there...you need as much positive juju as you can get right now, and I definately dont' have any right now.

Thank you. I'd been meaning to do it for some time now...just never got around to it. I do like it though.

1:46 PM  

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