Playing Catch-Up
*Post Warning*
I'm in a ranting mood, so this will be a very long read. Just thought I'd warn you!
A quick update about my neice, Madeleine Diane McQuade, She was born at 7:38am on December 9th, 2007! She was 8 lbs, 5 oz. I have a couple of pics to post, but they'll be at the bottom with the rest!
I also just thought I'd make a post about Christmas...I'd been putting it off, because this Christmas didn't go over very well, and it is the first Christmas that I didn't enjoy and just wished it was all over.
To start, Roger had been steadily getting in a worse and worse mood the closer we got to C. I found out a little later that it had to do with losing his dad so close to C, and them never really making up after the fight they had over the bitch that ended up murdering him. They had gotten to small talkish kind-of stuff, but never really made up. Anywho, when he gets in a bad mood, he usually takes it out on me because he has never really expressed himself to anyone until I came along, and now it's like I broke the dam and it all just rushes towards me during the emotional floods.
Well, anywho, lets just say that his mood just kept getting worse, even up to C Eve. We went to his g-parents house first, and that didn't help. Then we went to my g-ma's house, and...well...I think I'll reserve those feelings until we see what happens with my house warming party. So, her attitude dropped both Roger's and my moods even further, and made me wish C would just hurry up and go away...I had been going through a depressive mood to start the month, but had managed to work myself out of it, and then all this happens, and it just came flooding back. I had hoped that New Year's would be better.
So, New Year's didn't seem to go over any better. We had Roger's and Paula's b-day parties, and then did our normal NY thing, except my g-ma decided to tag along this time. Well, no one could really tell her not to come, because it was her daughter's b-day party, but we did kind-of give her a chance to stay; however, she blew that out the window almost right away. She started picking on Paula, saying it was "defending herself," she started calling everybody drunks and picking on them for drinking on NY, and then she started whining about people being in the living room and her not having a place to lay down. So, my mom tells her (from a group decision mind you) that my dad is going to take her'd think a bomb landed in the room. She started in on being alone since her husband died in '93, and this being her first opportunity to remedy that, and no one can make her leave if she doesn't want to, and blah blah blah, I'm such a lonely old woman because no one loves me or pays attention to me kind-of stuff. Then she got really quiet and hid in a corner. Different sets of people tried to get her to sit back down, and I don't know what she said to some of them, but I heard later that she was quite mean and spiteful. So, my dad starts to take her home and the entire way out the door, she's screaming and crying about not staying where she's not wanted and she can tell when she's not wanted, and nobody wants her or cares about her...she threw what amounted to a 3 year old's temper tantrum, seriously, the entire way out of the door. Now, I can't really go into detail at this time as to what exactly led up to a small group of us deciding to give her one chance to "behave" in a sense, and if she didn't behave, that she'd have to go home.
I recently found out about something that really hurt my feelings and made me sad, then how she acted on Christmas and New Year's and even stories I've heard about last Christmas (which I wasn't part of, because I wasn't there to hear the stuff she said and did), so I'm kind-of giving her one more chance to see how it goes, and if she fails....then it won't make me very happy. I promise to clarify after I see how this Saturday goes.
So now that the holidays are all out of the way, and I am left with a slightly bitter taste left in my mouth, I've been trying to move on and get settled in our house. I'm still paying off the deposit for the gas, so my bill was $181.00 this month. Our water bill has evened out and we're paying about $45-50 a month for that. Our electric bill is averaging out to be about $115-120 a month.
Then we had to worry about that tree. We couldn't afford to pay someone to cut it up for us, so we had just left it for now. Well, Saturday, a big crew with a weird truck-crane thing drove through the neighborhoods picking up the piles of limbs everywhere. They picked-up what they could reach in our yard, and left the stuff on the house (which was fine by me, because I didn't want them to damage the house more by just picking it up with a crane). So, yesterday, Roger and Aaron hacked away with two little chainsaws. They got it mostly all cut out, but it got dark. It took them so long to figure out how to get that big limb down, that they ran out of time to cut once they finally got it down.
Okay! So! Picture time! You had to know that was coming. I have pictures of Maddie, Christmas loot, my boys working hard on the tree, and the after math. Lots of them!

Maddie and Daddy:

Maddie and Mommy:

Now, Christmas:
My tree, with just the lights on it:

Just the lights, no light:

And with all the fixins:

Gifts from Roger:

Gifts from Miranda and Marcus:

Gifts from Mom and Dad:

Gift from Aunt Paula:

Gift from Roger's g-ma:

On to the Tree
The Boys working hard:

My husband:



Poor Tree:

Showing it's age:
I'm in a ranting mood, so this will be a very long read. Just thought I'd warn you!
A quick update about my neice, Madeleine Diane McQuade, She was born at 7:38am on December 9th, 2007! She was 8 lbs, 5 oz. I have a couple of pics to post, but they'll be at the bottom with the rest!
I also just thought I'd make a post about Christmas...I'd been putting it off, because this Christmas didn't go over very well, and it is the first Christmas that I didn't enjoy and just wished it was all over.
To start, Roger had been steadily getting in a worse and worse mood the closer we got to C. I found out a little later that it had to do with losing his dad so close to C, and them never really making up after the fight they had over the bitch that ended up murdering him. They had gotten to small talkish kind-of stuff, but never really made up. Anywho, when he gets in a bad mood, he usually takes it out on me because he has never really expressed himself to anyone until I came along, and now it's like I broke the dam and it all just rushes towards me during the emotional floods.
Well, anywho, lets just say that his mood just kept getting worse, even up to C Eve. We went to his g-parents house first, and that didn't help. Then we went to my g-ma's house, and...well...I think I'll reserve those feelings until we see what happens with my house warming party. So, her attitude dropped both Roger's and my moods even further, and made me wish C would just hurry up and go away...I had been going through a depressive mood to start the month, but had managed to work myself out of it, and then all this happens, and it just came flooding back. I had hoped that New Year's would be better.
So, New Year's didn't seem to go over any better. We had Roger's and Paula's b-day parties, and then did our normal NY thing, except my g-ma decided to tag along this time. Well, no one could really tell her not to come, because it was her daughter's b-day party, but we did kind-of give her a chance to stay; however, she blew that out the window almost right away. She started picking on Paula, saying it was "defending herself," she started calling everybody drunks and picking on them for drinking on NY, and then she started whining about people being in the living room and her not having a place to lay down. So, my mom tells her (from a group decision mind you) that my dad is going to take her'd think a bomb landed in the room. She started in on being alone since her husband died in '93, and this being her first opportunity to remedy that, and no one can make her leave if she doesn't want to, and blah blah blah, I'm such a lonely old woman because no one loves me or pays attention to me kind-of stuff. Then she got really quiet and hid in a corner. Different sets of people tried to get her to sit back down, and I don't know what she said to some of them, but I heard later that she was quite mean and spiteful. So, my dad starts to take her home and the entire way out the door, she's screaming and crying about not staying where she's not wanted and she can tell when she's not wanted, and nobody wants her or cares about her...she threw what amounted to a 3 year old's temper tantrum, seriously, the entire way out of the door. Now, I can't really go into detail at this time as to what exactly led up to a small group of us deciding to give her one chance to "behave" in a sense, and if she didn't behave, that she'd have to go home.
I recently found out about something that really hurt my feelings and made me sad, then how she acted on Christmas and New Year's and even stories I've heard about last Christmas (which I wasn't part of, because I wasn't there to hear the stuff she said and did), so I'm kind-of giving her one more chance to see how it goes, and if she fails....then it won't make me very happy. I promise to clarify after I see how this Saturday goes.
So now that the holidays are all out of the way, and I am left with a slightly bitter taste left in my mouth, I've been trying to move on and get settled in our house. I'm still paying off the deposit for the gas, so my bill was $181.00 this month. Our water bill has evened out and we're paying about $45-50 a month for that. Our electric bill is averaging out to be about $115-120 a month.
Then we had to worry about that tree. We couldn't afford to pay someone to cut it up for us, so we had just left it for now. Well, Saturday, a big crew with a weird truck-crane thing drove through the neighborhoods picking up the piles of limbs everywhere. They picked-up what they could reach in our yard, and left the stuff on the house (which was fine by me, because I didn't want them to damage the house more by just picking it up with a crane). So, yesterday, Roger and Aaron hacked away with two little chainsaws. They got it mostly all cut out, but it got dark. It took them so long to figure out how to get that big limb down, that they ran out of time to cut once they finally got it down.
Okay! So! Picture time! You had to know that was coming. I have pictures of Maddie, Christmas loot, my boys working hard on the tree, and the after math. Lots of them!

Maddie and Daddy:

Maddie and Mommy:

Now, Christmas:
My tree, with just the lights on it:

Just the lights, no light:

And with all the fixins:

Gifts from Roger:

Gifts from Miranda and Marcus:

Gifts from Mom and Dad:

Gift from Aunt Paula:

Gift from Roger's g-ma:

On to the Tree
The Boys working hard:

My husband:



Poor Tree:

Showing it's age:

Boy, you weren't kidding when you said "little" chainsaws. I didn't realize they made 'em that small! :-)
I'm sorry your Christmas and New Year's were so rough. Is there maybe something medical going on?
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