This is Cool
I love this face-off! My dad sent this out this morning. It's about 6 minutes long, but if you can sit still and not sing these songs, then you must be a stick in the mud! :oD
On another note, Roger was qualified for a Best Buy credit card (which kind-of freaks me out a little, because I've never owned a credit card, and so many people that I know are filing for bankruptcy because of credit cards) and we "purchased"/charged a new Toshiba notebook. It'll be 18 months no interest, and about $35 a month if we want to pay it off in 18 months. We're hoping he'll get a Christmas bonus, that can pay off some of it, and then we'll probably have it paid off by April of 2009. My computer is on it's way out, and we're hoping I can use that until we can afford to build up a new computer for me. My computer is about 6 or 7 years old, and some of the parts are new, some used.
I'm excited because the notebook is a much better computer than mine is right now, and it's even comparable to Roger's desktop. I just hope it goes as smoothly as it sounds. *crosses fingers*
Anywho, this time of year gets so so busy for us, so I hope everyone has a great Turkeyday! *hugs*
Oh, and Ring 2 is winning 8 to 2 votes. I'm gonna close it out by the end of this month, so if you haven't voted and made your opinion known, go do it! :o)
On another note, Roger was qualified for a Best Buy credit card (which kind-of freaks me out a little, because I've never owned a credit card, and so many people that I know are filing for bankruptcy because of credit cards) and we "purchased"/charged a new Toshiba notebook. It'll be 18 months no interest, and about $35 a month if we want to pay it off in 18 months. We're hoping he'll get a Christmas bonus, that can pay off some of it, and then we'll probably have it paid off by April of 2009. My computer is on it's way out, and we're hoping I can use that until we can afford to build up a new computer for me. My computer is about 6 or 7 years old, and some of the parts are new, some used.
I'm excited because the notebook is a much better computer than mine is right now, and it's even comparable to Roger's desktop. I just hope it goes as smoothly as it sounds. *crosses fingers*
Anywho, this time of year gets so so busy for us, so I hope everyone has a great Turkeyday! *hugs*
Oh, and Ring 2 is winning 8 to 2 votes. I'm gonna close it out by the end of this month, so if you haven't voted and made your opinion known, go do it! :o)
Store credit cards have super high interest rates compared to general credit cards (higher even than Discover), so pay that sucker off as quickly as possible! Hide the card in your sock drawer and forget about it until you have an electronics emergency.
Oh, most definately! I fear credit cards and usually avoid them like the plague....but my computer has about kicked it, and it will cost a lot more to replace that, so the notebook is to get my work done and such until we can afford to replace my actual computer. It's something we've been talking about for a year and a half or so.
We are probably going to have it paid off by April, and we have 18 months. We made sure that the card was interest free as long as we paid it all off before the 18 months are up. We fully intend to pay it off before the 18 months, because the interest starts at the sale date, and you pay back rates, yuck!
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