Over Again...
--I have good news and bad. Good news is: Workman's Comp made me see the doctor for a follow up appointment, to make sure everything's healing okay and such. Well..it is healing. He said there is obviously new bone there; however, the bad news is: I have to wear the boot and ace for another 3 weeks...::cry:: Originally I was supposed to wear them for a total of 4 weeks, and it changed to 6. He said that it's healing very slowly and if I'm to return to work, I can only stand for 2 hours and then I have to stay off of it for 30 minutes. I'm supposed to hear back from my manager in the morning to see if he can accommodate a schedule like that. If not, I'm off work for another 3 weeks...Oh Joy. Only good thing about that is that I might get paid at least 70% of my wages from WC. So about $95 a week...it's better than nothing, and sure as the hell better than only 2 hours a day = about $12 which approximates to be about $65 a week.
--My sister, Miranda, has a boyfriend now. He seems really nice. I'm really happy for her. She really likes him, and he really likes her. You know..it's been over 2 years (Feb will be 3), since I had a serious boyfriend. She is single for not even a year and can rake them in like leaves in Fall. She met him off of Yahoo personals, she paid for the services for a month, and met him in less than two days. They have been dating for about a week now. She decided to replace her profile with mine, since she paid already and doesn't want it to go to waste. She said, "If I can find someone in less than 2 days, then chances are good for you too." I said, "You have a lot more going for you. You are more attractive." She looked at me funny and ignored me. My profile has been active for about 2 weeks now, I've sent out interests in other profiles, and not a single return. She is so lucky, I wish she realized how lucky she really is. She constantly thinks she's fat and not pretty. She takes it for granted...
Just to prove my point:

Don't get me wrong. I don't think I'm ugly. I think I have a sexy demeanor and an attractive personality. Why else would I keep raking in the ones who just want sex? :oP I've come to grips with how I turned out and I was trying to work on it, until I broke my foot. It's just that most people are not interested in a heavily "voluptious" (as my profile says) woman. Not for anything long term.
--My sister, Miranda, has a boyfriend now. He seems really nice. I'm really happy for her. She really likes him, and he really likes her. You know..it's been over 2 years (Feb will be 3), since I had a serious boyfriend. She is single for not even a year and can rake them in like leaves in Fall. She met him off of Yahoo personals, she paid for the services for a month, and met him in less than two days. They have been dating for about a week now. She decided to replace her profile with mine, since she paid already and doesn't want it to go to waste. She said, "If I can find someone in less than 2 days, then chances are good for you too." I said, "You have a lot more going for you. You are more attractive." She looked at me funny and ignored me. My profile has been active for about 2 weeks now, I've sent out interests in other profiles, and not a single return. She is so lucky, I wish she realized how lucky she really is. She constantly thinks she's fat and not pretty. She takes it for granted...
Just to prove my point:

Don't get me wrong. I don't think I'm ugly. I think I have a sexy demeanor and an attractive personality. Why else would I keep raking in the ones who just want sex? :oP I've come to grips with how I turned out and I was trying to work on it, until I broke my foot. It's just that most people are not interested in a heavily "voluptious" (as my profile says) woman. Not for anything long term.
Haha! Yea, the tall skinny ones. Unfortunately I don't get out much. I don't have friends in the area and I have a broken foot that limits my abilities to do anything on my own. :o)
You are a beautiful woman and there is someone out there who will appreciate you for the goddess you are. Sometimes we just have to wait a while. I'll sit on the "single couch" with you. We can eat ice cream and giggle at all the akward girls who have no lips, hips, or tits.
*commences giggling at E*
::starts to giggle with Lynlee:: Sorry E, with me having g-cups, you're not missing anything! :ob
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